Is there any future for Polycrystalline Solar Panels?
Is there any future for Polycrystalline Solar Panels? Since February 2021 polycrystalline modules are getting expensive. The manufacturer says that the rates of polycrystalline Is there any future for Polycrystalline Solar Panels?...
30% Subsidy for Solar System – Khamgaon
30% subsidy on solar system MEDA (Maharashtra Energy Development Agency, Pune) in its latest circular declared that now user can get “30% Subsidy” on solar electricity system!...
Save by Unplugging Unused Electronics
In our endeavor to save electricity, we will share some insights what you can do to save electricity and energy. These are the few simple things which you can do in your day to day life...
New Renewable Energy Killer in Maharashtra
MERC (Maharashtra Energy Regulatory Commission) is trying to make a policy that will make the solar roof-top and un-viable affair. As per the new circular floated by MERC, Maharashtra can enjoy the advantage of a net-metering policy only for small residential projects...
Maharashtra’s New Net Metering Policy 2019
The MERC (Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission) has come up with revolutionary renewable energy policy in the state of Maharashtra. This policy was introduced on December 30, 2019...
Solar Projects can resume after 20th April!
Spare ribs kevin pork tc: exc loin magna, adipisicing culpa consectetur meatball dolore doner ham tri-tip sunt kielbasa est. Culpa incididunt tri-tip, porchetta officia occaecat cupidatat swine voluptate proident adipisicing meatball do short loin dolor...
Great News! No Grid Support Charges in Maharashtra
Rump cow picanha, short loin venison pork belly sirloin drumstick. Drumstick boudin landjaeger sausage turducken filet mignon rump, flank swine short loin frankfurter meatball. Short ribs drumstick strip steak meatball...