  • Office timing: 10AM to 7PM (Except holidays)

Knowledge Management

Save by Unplugging Unused Electronics

In our endeavor to save electricity, we will share some insights what you can do to save electricity and energy. These are the few simple things which you can do in your day to day life...
30% Subsidy on Solar System

30% Subsidy for Solar System!!

30% subsidy on solar system MEDA (Maharashtra Energy Development Agency, Pune) in its latest circular declared that now user can get “30% Subsidy” on solar electricity system!...

Save Energy by PF corrected LED Lights

Doner tail strip steak venison beef ribs meatloaf leberkas ground round swine filet mignon alcatra short loin pork chop. Short loin t-bone tongue bresaola salami short ribs picanha spare ribs beef shoulder chuck shank ribeye...
Save Electricity Ditching Desktop

Save Electricity by Ditching Desktop Computers

Are you still using those old fashioned desktops? Do you know that desktop consumes power in the range of 200W to 350W depending upon its processor speed, screen type etc...