According to an order issued by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission last year, MahaVitaran’s electricity bill will increase by an average of 10 – 20 percent.

As a result, MSEDCL’s electricity consumers will see an increase in electricity tariff from April 1. 

Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) on Tuesday approved a petition for an increase in power tariff submitted by MSEDCL last year.

 This decision comes at a time when the state’s electricity tariff already ranks among the highest in the country. 

The rising cost of electricity is a burden felt by many, from homeowners to small businesses and even farmers relying on electricity for irrigation. 

Hike in Bills 

Residential Consumers:

Electricity consumption (units)  Old rates (2023-24) New rates (2024 – 25)
0 to 100 Rs 5.58  Rs 5.88
101 to 300   Rs 10.81  Rs 11.46
301 to 500  Rs 14.78  Rs 15.72
501 and above Rs 16.74  Rs 17.81


Commercial Consumers:

Electricity consumption (in KW)  Old rates (2023-24) New rates (2024 – 25)
0 to 20 Rs 9.44 Rs 9.69
20 to 50 Rs 13.80  Rs 14.18
50 KW and above Rs 16.10  Rs 16.55


But amidst these concerns, there’s a beacon of hope shining bright: solar power. Let’s explore how embracing solar energy can not only help mitigate the impact of rising electricity bills but also lead us towards a sustainable and brighter future.


The Benefits of Solar Power:

Switching to solar power offers numerous benefits, both economically and environmentally. Firstly, solar energy is abundant and renewable, meaning it’s an energy source that won’t run out. By harnessing the power of the sun, we can reduce our reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels, which not only helps combat climate change but also reduces air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.


Additionally, investing in solar panels for homes, businesses, and farms can lead to significant long-term cost savings. Once installed, solar panels generate electricity for free, reducing or even eliminating monthly electricity bills. With proper maintenance, solar panels can last for decades, providing a reliable source of clean energy and offering a solid return on investment.


Impact on Residential Consumers:

For homeowners, the prospect of higher electricity bills can be daunting, especially as we approach the hot summer months when air conditioning usage typically spikes. However, by transitioning to solar power, homeowners can take control of their energy costs and reduce their reliance on the grid. With net metering programs in place, excess energy generated by solar panels can be fed back into the grid, earning homeowners credits on their electricity bills.


Impact on Commercial Consumers:

Small businesses and commercial establishments are also facing the brunt of increasing electricity tariffs. Rising operational costs can eat into profits, making it challenging to stay competitive in the market. However, by investing in solar energy solutions, businesses can not only save on electricity expenses but also enhance their corporate image by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.


Impact on Agricultural Consumers:

Farmers, who rely heavily on electricity for irrigation pumps and other agricultural operations, are particularly vulnerable to rising electricity costs. However, solar-powered irrigation systems offer a cost-effective and sustainable alternative. By harnessing solar energy to power irrigation pumps, farmers can reduce their dependence on grid electricity and mitigate the financial impact of tariff hikes.


The Role of Chirayu Power Pvt. Ltd.:

At Chirayu Power Pvt. Ltd., we’re committed to empowering individuals and businesses with clean, renewable energy solutions. As a leading solar power company in Maharashtra, we offer a range of solar energy solutions tailored to meet the needs of our customers. From residential solar panel installations to large-scale commercial and industrial solar projects, we provide end-to-end services, from design and installation to maintenance and support.


Encouraging the Switch to Solar:

In light of the recent tariff hike by MERC, there’s never been a better time to consider switching to solar power. By investing in solar energy, individuals and businesses can take control of their energy costs, reduce their carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable future. At Chirayu Power Pvt. Ltd., we’re here to guide you through the process and help you make the transition to solar seamless and rewarding.



As electricity bills continue to rise, the importance of exploring alternative energy sources becomes increasingly evident. Solar power offers a sustainable solution to mitigate the impact of rising electricity costs while reducing our reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels. At Chirayu Power Pvt. Ltd., we’re proud to be at the forefront of the solar energy revolution, empowering individuals and businesses across Maharashtra to embrace clean, renewable energy. Together, let’s harness the power of the sun and build a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Article Name
As electricity bills continue to rise, the importance of exploring alternative energy sources becomes increasingly evident. Solar power offers a sustainable solution to mitigate the impact of rising electricity costs while reducing our reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels
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Chirayu Power
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